SAWV / sadfa

Wie Is Ons /

About Us

Military veterans should be acknowledged for their contribution to the development of the RSA – men, and women that made sacrifices and served their Country with honor and dignity. People that had served their Country unselfishly and deserves to be recognized, remembered and be taken care of. The South African Defence Force Association (SADFA) was established in February 2009 with the sole purpose to ensure this.

Militêre veterane moet erken word vir die bydrae wat hulle in die RSA se ontwikkeling gelewer het – manne en vroue wat opgeoffer, gedien en ‘n prys betaal het. Mense wat hul land onbaatsugtig gedien het en verdien om erken, onthou en versorg te word. Die SA Weermagvereniging (SAWV) is gestig in Februarie 2009 om juis dit te verseker.

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Projekte / Projects

Die SAWV se Projekte / SADFA’s Projects

Die SAWV se maandelikse ontbyte vir Veterane, vriende en familie. Skakel die Kontaksentrum op 060 603 2930 om die naaste Ops “Kolgans” by te woon.

SADFA’s monthly breakfast for Veterans, friends and family. Contact the Contact Centre on 060 603 2930 to attend your closest Ops “Kolgans”.

Die SAWV se koffie-projek wat aan lede die geleentheid gee om ‘n inkomste te verdien asook aan kopers die voorreg om by te dra tot die Makkerhulpfonds van die SAWV, waaruit behoeftige lede ondersteun word.

Kontak ons by indien u betrokke wil raak.

SADFA’s coffee project which provides the opportunity to members to earn an income as well as to give buyers the privelege to contribute to the Relief Fund of SADFA, from which distressed members are being supported.

Contact us at if you wish to get involved.

Frequently Asked Questions ?

Algemene Navrae ?


Waarom aansluit by die SAWV? / Why join sadfa?

Daar is verskeie voordele en jy kan navraag doen by /

There are many different benefits and you can enquire from

Hoe raak ek betrokke by projekte / How can i commit myself to any project?

Kontak ons by / Contact us on

Hoe word ek agent vir die App? / How can I become an App Agent?

Kontak ons by / Contact us at

Waar kan ek 'n eenheid naby aan my kry? / Where can I find a Unit close to me?

Laai ons App af by en klik op “Units” / Download our App at and click on Units

Kan ek my produkte/dienste op julle website of App verkoop? Can I sell my products/services on your website or App?

Ja, dis hoekom die App gebore is – kontak ons by  / Yes, that is why the App was created – contact us at

Have a different Question? / Enige ander navrae?

Word weer vandag deel van ‘n eenheid wat jy weet jou kan en sal ondersteun.

Become part of a Unit that you know will stand by you.

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